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Coaching Intensives - the fast track to progress

Coaching intensives (prolonged sessions, courses, mini-retreats) involve more focused and frequent sessions on a compressed timeline than traditional one-hour-a-week therapy sessions. Intensives provide a large dose of learning in a short period of time. ​​

Traditional Psychotherapy versus
Coaching Intensives

Traditional psychotherapy


  • Often covered by health insurance

  • Weekly 60-minute sessions can provide positive structure for many issues / clients

  • Typically maintains a positive, stable, long-term relationship throughout challenging therapy

  • Required or preferred for some issues/diagnoses

  • Cost is spread out over time (easier to finance)



  • Higher total cost (due to more time off of work, traveling, scheduling, gas, babysitting, etc.)

  • Higher drop out rate for traditional therapies compared to intensive programs (Gonzalez & Kruckenberg, 2021)

Coaching Intensives


  • Typically provides clients with quicker relief

  • More convenient overall due to shorter duration (less time off work, less scheduling, less interruption of life)

  • Higher success rate (less drop out) compared to traditional therapy for multitude of issues

  • Intensives cater to individuals with demanding schedules, such as busy parents, working professionals, and clients in high distress
  • Can target clients’ specific issues (requiring brief, focused intervention) while they continue to work with their primary therapist
  • Cost savings due to condensed timeline



  • Rarely covered by health insurance, and therefore a significant out-of-pocket investment

Intensive courses with Coach Ernest

Most intensive courses listed below are available both online and in-person. For any questions about these offerings, please email here or schedule an initial consult here (free 15-minute phone call) to determine whether an intensive course is a positive match for your specific goals.

Individual Coaching Sessions

Individual coaching sessions are 60 minutes long and are tailored to clients' specific goals and timelines. Schedule your free consultation call to determine whether services with Coach Ernest will help you achieve your life goals!


Cost: $150 / hr

Unlock your potential

The specific details of each coaching program are tailored to the unique situation of each client, but I do follow a structure that ensures an action- and solution-oriented experience for all clients. 

Step 1 – Phone consultation to ensure solid match of goals and services

Step 2 – Initial session: Icebreaker activities & clarify goals

Step 3 – Evaluate each client’s strengths, resources, and support system(s)

Step 4 – Discuss historical trauma timeline to assess symptoms, patterns, and unhealthy coping; identify what remains unresolved

Step 5 – Use experiential exercises (mindfulness, creative change mindset, etc) and educational concepts to establish practiced formula for achieving goals

Step 6 – Identifying next steps and recommendations: Continuing education, resourcing, and learning new coping tools

This process (minus Step 1, of course) is repeated in second and/or third intensive sessions to assess for recent progress, troubleshoot obstacles, and gain valuable repetition. You will be able to accomplish major exploration, processing, and healing in a short amount of time (over period of one month with intensives), allowing you to get to the root of the problem quickly.

*Note: For some issues and goals, coaching intensives can offer maximal therapeutic progress when paired with ongoing (weekly or monthly) traditional sessions with your psychotherapist or life coach.

Journal Reference

Gonzalez, Laura and Kruckenberg, Sean, "POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: COMPARING SHORT-TERM, INTENSIVE THERAPY TO TRADITIONAL, LONG-TERM THERAPY" (2021). Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations. 1295.

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